Tag: 🎵 お洒落系 (Osare Kei)
お洒落系 (Osare Kei) (can also written as オサレ系) is a bright and poppy subgenre that has been misspelled for many years, resulting in the Western fans often using the term “oshare” instead.
お洒落 (Osare) means “fashionable” or “stylish” in Japanese and this definitely reflects in the outfits of the artists in this genre, which also involves 原宿 (Harajuku) fashion styles like デコラ (Decora) and 妖精系 (Fairy Kei), while lyrics often include themes like “innocence”, “love” and “friendship”. These themes can also be used in an ironic way to hold on some youthful innocence, however.